Information for online classes :

Dear Students, please participate in online classes as attendance ratio is going low. For further clarifications please contact.

E-mail : info@iimsr.net.in

Timing :

Weekdays(Monday to Friday): 6 pm to 8 pm

Weekends(Saturday/Sunday): 2 pm to 4 pm

Exam Dates for : 2024-25

  • Last Date of issuance of Admit Card '8th March 2025'
  • Starting Date of Examination for Technical Courses '10th March 2025'
  • Starting Date of Examination for Management Courses '12th March 2025'
  • Starting Date of Examination of Courses other than Management & Technical '15th March 2025'
Important Notice

Dear students of IIMSR, please understand that GST is mandatory for all students and no negotiations will be done on this part as this is govt tax. We expect everything free from govt starting from Hospital/Education/Social security but when it comes to tax we intend to avoid that and then claim our country is poor because of politicians and get rid of our responsibilities. So please be a part in the growth story of India by paying suitable taxes.


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We have various creative online courses and classes which are taught by experts to help you learn new skills.

Strong Fundamentals

Our courses are structured in a way to help students to understand the basic concepts related to their courses because we strongly believe in providing quality education.


We offer a vast range of online courses with certification in various fields. These include courses in the field of marketing, technical & management, etc.

Offering the best in education to the world

Sign-up today to join over 6 million learners already on IIMSR Worldwide and more than 500+ online courses available.

  • Strong Fundamentals

    Our courses are structured in a way to help students to understand the basic concepts related to their courses because we strongly believe in providing quality education.

  • Great Instructor

    Our talented team of instructors have come together with a goal to help students or working professionals grow in their careers.


    If you have any queries or just need an expert's help then reach out to us and consult with our experts anytime.

  • Contact Details

    For Admission : info@iimsr.net.in
    For Verification : info@iimsr.net.in
    Email : info@iimsr.net.in

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We have over 20 years of experience in education field

We make the most of all our students.

Professional Instructor

We have a team of well-experienced & highly qualified instructors who encourage students to excel in their field.

Professional Instructor
Online Courses

Our online courses provide you an affordable way to advance your skills & knowledge. We provide online courses so you can learn something new even if you do not have much time.

Online Courses
Strong Fundamentals

Our courses are structured in a way to help students to understand the basic concepts related to their courses because we strongly believe in providing quality education.

Books & Library

Happy Milistones

We Have Powerful Milistones With Fun Fact Effects.


Top Instructor


Online Courses




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Welcome To IIMSR

Imperial Institute of Management Science & Research is an Globus Certificate of Registration (ISO) 9001:2015 certified institution at higher studies. IIMSR a distance educator of management & technology is an institute having motive to groom students to understand administer & manage the everchanging global business dynamics. Our focus is on making sure that our student receives an education that is not just of high quality but relevant to today’s industry & highly competitive global market place. Our program combine highly researched curriculum integrated with industry relevant concepts & practices.


Brings together worldwide accepted courses which are registered with Government of Karnataka (India). It is an Globus Certificate of Registration (ISO) 9001:2015 certified for being a Quality Training Provider in Business & Technical Courses.

IIMSR is one of the country’s leading educational autonomous institutes with international standards. The institute offers weekend class to its management students at its center to ensure better understanding of subjects by removing their F.A.Qs .

The weekend classes can be given in the last quarter of every session subject to sufficient number of students opted for. Students can opt to undertake written examination at the center or through case based system. They have any circumstances. The result will appear on the net. The institute reserves 15% seats to SC, ST, OBC, Handicapped, Armed forces personnel, Kashmiri Migrants & War Widow’s Children in each stream for admission. A 10% discount on fee is also permissible to them subject to verification of their relevant documentary proof.

The institute also offers scholarship of 50% fee waiver to meritorious & poor students & decision to this effect strictly rests on the management. The IIMSRplacement cell also helps its students in getting right placement.

Video Lectures

Indian Financial Systems
Web Design
C Language

PPT Lectures

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Basics Of Accounting
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Introduction Of BCA
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Digital Marketing
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Basic Communication
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Management Accounting
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Develop Managemnt Skills

Popular Course Categories

Having over 1500+ students worldwide and more than 500+ online courses available.

Design Available Courses : 03

Web Designing is a skilled field in IT sector. The diploma is designed in such a manner to offer sufficient knowledge and expertise to work on different software...

Digital Marketing Available Courses : 01

Digital Marketing course incorporates SEO (search engine enhancement), SEM (search engine marketing), SMM (web-based media marketing), Email Marketing Content...

After 10th/10+2 Available Courses : 36

The duration of the course of Diploma in Automobile Engineering is 3 years as it is a Diploma Level program. In this course, the applicants will gain academic....

Technical Software Available Courses : 30

Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment.

Management Available Courses : 57

Management is the administration of an organization, whether it is a business, a non-profit organization, or a government body. It is the art and science of managing resources...

Finance Management Available Courses : 04

Financial management may be defined as the area or function in an organization which is concerned with profitability, expenses, cash and credit, so that the "organization may have the means.

Tourism Management Available Courses : 03

Tourism Management is the leading scholarly journal focuses on the management, including planning and policy, of travel and tourism. The journal takes an ...

Security Management Available Courses : 03

Security management is the identification of an organization's assets, followed by the development, documentation, and implementation of policies and procedures for protecting assets...

Barry John