Information for online classes :

Dear Students, please participate in online classes as attendance ratio is going low. For further clarifications please contact.

E-mail : info@iimsr.net.in

Timing :

Weekdays(Monday to Friday): 6 pm to 8 pm

Weekends(Saturday/Sunday): 2 pm to 4 pm

Exam Dates for : 2024-25

  • Last Date of issuance of Admit Card '8th May 2024'
  • Starting Date of Examination for Technical Courses '10th May 2024'
  • Starting Date of Examination for Management Courses '12th May 2024'
  • Starting Date of Examination of Courses other than Management & Technical '15th May 2024'
Important Notice

Dear students of IIMSR, please understand that GST is mandatory for all students and no negotiations will be done on this part as this is govt tax. We expect everything free from govt starting from Hospital/Education/Social security but when it comes to tax we intend to avoid that and then claim our country is poor because of politicians and get rid of our responsibilities. So please be a part in the growth story of India by paying suitable taxes.


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Case Study Focus

As the MBA program is uniquely designed to develop management perspective and skills, the case method is integrated as a dominant tool in the education methodology. It is not enough for the student to be equipped with merely the management tool and techniques. To be an effective management professional, the student has to be trained to think and act likes one. Thus, the program has a very strong case study orientation.

Our programs use case studies of reputed Indian and international companies, which help the student understand the complexities in various businesses political, legal and social environment.

MANAGEMENT IS A SKILL NOT A THEORY. A case study is a description of an actual administrative situation involving a decision to be made or a problem to be solved.

The case-study method may be new to you. Experience has shown that case studies bring interesting, real-world situations into the classroom study in various management sectors.

  • Make decision making easier
  • Improve the analytical quality of decisions
  • Reduce the time required to make decisions
  • Increase the frequency of correct decisions

You will soon discover, however, that case studies require an approach that is different from normal homework assignments. Each case can have more than one right answer depending on how the problem is defined and which assumptions are made.

The analysis of case studies may be among the most challenging assignments given to a student. Cases are not just “busy work” given to fill up a student’s time. Approached properly, case analysis can be extremely beneficial in preparing you for a career in corporate management by giving you a chance to develop decision-making skills in the classroom so that you will be better prepared to meet the challenges in your job.