Information for online classes :

Dear Students, please participate in online classes as attendance ratio is going low. For further clarifications please contact.

E-mail : info@iimsr.net.in

Timing :

Weekdays(Monday to Friday): 6 pm to 8 pm

Weekends(Saturday/Sunday): 2 pm to 4 pm

Exam Dates for : 2024-25

  • Last Date of issuance of Admit Card '8th March 2025'
  • Starting Date of Examination for Technical Courses '10th March 2025'
  • Starting Date of Examination for Management Courses '12th March 2025'
  • Starting Date of Examination of Courses other than Management & Technical '15th March 2025'
Important Notice

Dear students of IIMSR, please understand that GST is mandatory for all students and no negotiations will be done on this part as this is govt tax. We expect everything free from govt starting from Hospital/Education/Social security but when it comes to tax we intend to avoid that and then claim our country is poor because of politicians and get rid of our responsibilities. So please be a part in the growth story of India by paying suitable taxes.


Kindly Enter your credentials to access the Result

Imperial Institute of Management Science & Research is an ISO 9001:2015 (Globus Certificate of Registration) certified and running under the aegis of wales educational trust . IIMSR a distance educator of management & technology is an institute having motive to groom students to understand administer & manage the everchanging global business dynamics. Our focus is on making sure that our student receives an education that is not just of high quality but relevant to today’s industry & highly competitive global market place. Our program combine highly researched curriculum integrated with industry relevant concepts & practices. IIMSR offers a unique blend of theoretical & cutting edge inputs to students making them technically all round professionals.

Our faculty equips students with the latest industry oriented techniques in techniques in technology for better grip in the job market. IIMSR was established under the aegis of Wales Educational trust.

  • Enhance the career of students in Business Management & Technology
  • Democratizing Industry oriented higher education by taking if to the doorsteps of the learners providing access to high quality education to all those who seek it.
  • Short term programs in various faculties which enable the students to acquire industry oriented & world class management & technical qualification while working.
  • Offering Industry based program with specialization by giving professional, technical & vocational orientation to the course Promoting & developing distance & online system of education of India.
  • Upgrading the standard of education as per the need of the industry by adoption the new models of interactive, innovative collaborative & user-friendly system of education.

IIMSR paves path to early success in life through its distance learning courses. These courses consist of concepts, case studies & industrial training that provide board exposure to relevant business concepts, technical skills & management specifies. This helps them to get started as “Managers”/ “Team leaders” by enchanting their productivity, capability to formulate business policies & handing technical data, strategies & their implications for the organization. Those who are short of time & wish to upgrade their skills, knowledge for success can choose fast track courses where they can keep themselves connected to faculty & colearners.

They can opt for online examination to save their time & can re-attempt thrice if chosen wrong answers, it is an enthusiastic attempts by IIMSR to expose the best of International Technologies & Management principles, practices & managerial / team leading functions to the students s well corporate entities. However, the pursuit of cut technical & management programs demands Intellectual maturity, strength & willingness to work hard. For those endowed with inquisitive minds, application of techniques & the drive to succeed, those programs will be a voyage of discovery leading to professionally satisfying careers. We invite all those, who share our vision, goals & purpose to join hand in our efforts to build a new cadre of management & technical professional, who wish & will participate in the growth of this era of economic, liberalization & globalization

Our Vision

  • Vision shaping a better future for making by developing effective and responsible individuals & organizations.
  • Providing professionals skills at shortest time, at much affordable cost to enrich careers.
  • Unique education methodology through specially designed fast track programs.
  • Value based management and technical education for due recognition.
  • Upgrading the study materials to suit the industries.

Our Mission

The IIMSR is committed to provide industry oriented quality education is management and technology through distance system of education across the globe. The key idea is provide flexibility in learning anytime, anywhere. The curriculum combines latest academic knowledge with international competence. At IIMSR we have dedicated our intellectual resources to advancing the frontiers of business knowledge and educating future leaders. In a global, culturally diverse and technologically advanced social arena, characterized by rapid change and complex interdependencies, we aim to empower their leaders to understand and address the far reaching changes affecting the world.

Since business is a powerful propellant of propellant of progress and economic development, our mission is to prepare the innovative and entrepreneurial leaders of the future with the capacity to anticipate and manage in the professional environment. The IIMSR imparts most cutting edge, research driven knowledge and skills in a targeted, dynamic and productive way to suit the needs of employers in industrial and corporate sectors in a shortest possible time and make a very bright future for a better life.

Our Philosophy

We believe in quality service -performing the service right the first time. We promise to be a reliable service provider. Our employees are always responsive and helpful at all times. We assure you of a knowledgeable, polite, competent and trustworthy management team. Don’t be left behind- Make sure you have the skills that employers need!