Information for online classes :

Dear Students, please participate in online classes as attendance ratio is going low. For further clarifications please contact.

E-mail : info@iimsr.net.in

Timing :

Weekdays(Monday to Friday): 6 pm to 8 pm

Weekends(Saturday/Sunday): 2 pm to 4 pm

Exam Dates for : 2024-25

  • Last Date of issuance of Admit Card '8th March 2025'
  • Starting Date of Examination for Technical Courses '10th March 2025'
  • Starting Date of Examination for Management Courses '12th March 2025'
  • Starting Date of Examination of Courses other than Management & Technical '15th March 2025'
Important Notice

Dear students of IIMSR, please understand that GST is mandatory for all students and no negotiations will be done on this part as this is govt tax. We expect everything free from govt starting from Hospital/Education/Social security but when it comes to tax we intend to avoid that and then claim our country is poor because of politicians and get rid of our responsibilities. So please be a part in the growth story of India by paying suitable taxes.


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Category Technical Software


Course Category